Monday, March 1, 2010

Pythagoras Weeping

It often seems to me that many people on the internet like to express themselves exclusively through argument and conflict. No matter how established or logical an idea is, there is always someone somewhere rallying to challenge at least a part of it, even if their own divergence of perspective is built upon minor semantics.  I do understand that by nature itself, life and conflict breed each other; but seriously, what is up with all the  psychological push-pull phenomena commonly seen web-wide? As someone who considers himself pretty worldly and traveled, I'd like to believe the idea that as thinking people there are at least some things we can all come together on. I mean sure, we might debate evolution, global warming, abortion or the nature of God; but when presented with reasonable data, at least we can all agree on something as elementary as the fact that the Earth is round and it rotates around the sun, right?
...Hey, wait a second! Oh, $#!t...

1 comment:

  1. you're right, i always thought anonymity fueled people's desire to be annoying. it's antagonizing, but also good. freedom of speech.
