Sunday, March 28, 2010

Stupidity on the Roads

It seems the roads were a little less sane everywhere in the past week. Over in jolly old England, we've got this fellow who was recently arrested for inventing and driving around a motor scooter with an "anti-tailgating flamethrower".

Meanwhile, here in the US, it seems drunk drivers are getting more political. A few days ago, a Nashville man named Harry Weisiger decided to cuss out and ram a car carrying a school teacher and his small daughter, apparently because Harry didn't like the teacher's Obama-Biden bumper sticker.

I really hope this incident doesn't give car insurance companies and accident lawyers any crazy ideas about charging people extra fees based on their political stance.



  1. people are hot over here over health care. mention it to the wrong person and fisticuffs will ensue if you don't comply

  2. Wow, man... Fisticuffs over a difference of opinion on helath care? Jeez... Bunch of angry sore losers, I say. They couldn't get organized enough to get McCain and his gimmick-girl elected, so now they get all egocentrically fired up with manic rationalizations asserting that concepts like 'universal health care' and 'social justice' are anti-American, unchristian, and whatever other negativity Hannity and Beck are selling this week. It's seriously time to dial down the rhetoric in this poor logic-hemorrhaging country.
